




CREATE TABLE #fq([sCardID] int ,PRIMARY key nonCLUSTERED ([sCardID]))



declare @Begin datetime,@end datetime,@iperiod int, @acc_id varchar(10), @acc_year varchar(10)

declare @SQL nchar(2000)


Select @acc_id=substring(db_name(),8,3), @acc_year=substring(db_name(),12,4), @iperiod=3 -----修改成需要重算总账的会计月份---

SELECT @Begin=[dBegin], @end =[dEnd]FROM [UFSystem].[dbo].[UA_Period]

where [cAcc_Id]=@acc_id and [iYear] =@acc_year and iId=@iperiod

--Select @acc_id,@acc_year,@iperiod,@Begin,@end


if @iperiod>12 return

insert #fq

SELECT max(C.[sCardID])FROM [fa_Cards] C


(c.dInputDate<@Begin) AND

(c.dTransDate<@Begin Or c.dTransDate Is Null) AND

(c.dDisposeDate<@Begin Or c.dDisposeDate Is Null)


group by C.[sCardNum]

--Set @SQL=

update fa_total

set dblMonthDeprTotal=isnull(DT,0) ,dblMonthvalue=isnull(Dv,0)

FROM fa_total T

left join (

Select D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum],

sum(D.[dblValue]) DV,

sum(case @iperiod-1

when 0 then [dblDeprT1]-[dblDepr1]

when 1 then [dblDeprT1]

when 2 then [dblDeprT2]

when 3 then [dblDeprT3]

when 4 then [dblDeprT4]

when 5 then [dblDeprT5]

when 6 then [dblDeprT6]

when 7 then [dblDeprT7]

when 8 then [dblDeprT8]

when 9 then [dblDeprT9]

when 10 then [dblDeprT10]

when 11 then [dblDeprT11]

else 0 end) DT

from [fa_Cards] C JOIN [fa_Cards_Detail] D ON D.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

JOIN [fa_DeprTransactions_Detail] P ON C.[sCardNum]=P.[sCardNum] AND D.[sDeptNum]=P.[sDeptNum]

join #fq on #fq.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

WHERE C.[dDisposeDate] is null

group by D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum]

) as A

on T.[sDeptNum]=a.[sDeptNum] and T.[sTypeNum]=a.[sTypeNum]

where (T.dblMonthDeprTotal<> isnull(DT,0) or T.dblMonthvalue<>isnull(Dv,0)) and



truncate table #fq

insert #fq SELECT max(C.[sCardID])FROM [fa_Cards] C


(c.dInputDate<=@end) AND

(c.dTransDate<=@end Or c.dTransDate Is Null) AND

(c.dDisposeDate<=@end Or c.dDisposeDate Is Null)


group by C.[sCardNum]

--Set @SQL=

update fa_total

set dblDeprTotal=isnull(DT,0),dblDepr=isnull(DP,0) ,dblvalue=isnull(Dv,0)

FROM fa_total T

left join (

Select D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum],

sum(D.[dblValue]) DV,


case @iperiod

when 1 then [dblDeprT1]

when 2 then [dblDeprT2]

when 3 then [dblDeprT3]

when 4 then [dblDeprT4]

when 5 then [dblDeprT5]

when 6 then [dblDeprT6]

when 7 then [dblDeprT7]

when 8 then [dblDeprT8]

when 9 then [dblDeprT9]

when 10 then [dblDeprT10]

when 11 then [dblDeprT11]

when 12 then [dblDeprT12]

else 0 end

) DT ,


case @iperiod

when 1 then [dblDepr1]

when 2 then [dblDepr2]

when 3 then [dblDepr3]

when 4 then [dblDepr4]

when 5 then [dblDepr5]

when 6 then [dblDepr6]

when 7 then [dblDepr7]

when 8 then [dblDepr8]

when 9 then [dblDepr9]

when 10 then [dblDepr10]

when 11 then [dblDepr11]

when 12 then [dblDepr12]

else 0 end) DP

from [fa_Cards] C JOIN [fa_Cards_Detail] D ON D.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

JOIN [fa_DeprTransactions_Detail] P ON C.[sCardNum]=P.[sCardNum] AND D.[sDeptNum]=P.[sDeptNum]

join #fq on #fq.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

WHERE C.[dDisposeDate] is null

group by D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum]

) as A

on T.[sDeptNum]=a.[sDeptNum] and T.[sTypeNum]=a.[sTypeNum]

where (T.dblDeprTotal<> isnull(DT,0) or t.dblDepr<>isnull(DP,0) or t.dblvalue<>isnull(Dv,0)) and


truncate table #fq


insert #fq


FROM [fa_Cards] C


(c.dInputDate between @begin and @end) or

(c.dTransDate between @begin and @end)or

(c.dDisposeDate between @begin and @end)


update fa_total

set [dblTransInDeprTotal]=indt,[dblTransOutDeprTotal]=(outdt)

FROM fa_total T

left join (

Select D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum],

sum(d.[dblTransInDeprTCard]) inDt,

sum(d.[dblTransOutDeprTCard]+ case when c.iopttype<>3 then 0 else

case @iperiod

when 1 then p.[dblDepr1]

when 2 then p.[dblDepr2]

when 3 then p.[dblDepr3]

when 4 then p.[dblDepr4]

when 5 then p.[dblDepr5]

when 6 then p.[dblDepr6]

when 7 then p.[dblDepr7]

when 8 then p.[dblDepr8]

when 9 then p.[dblDepr9]

when 10 then p.[dblDepr10]

when 11 then p.[dblDepr11]

when 12 then p.[dblDepr12]

else 0 end end ) outDT

from [fa_Cards] C JOIN [fa_Cards_Detail] D ON D.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

JOIN [fa_DeprTransactions_Detail] P ON C.[sCardNum]=P.[sCardNum] AND D.[sDeptNum]=P.[sDeptNum]

join #fq on #fq.[sCardID]=C.[sCardID]

group by D.[sDeptNum],C.[sTypeNum]

) as A

on T.[sDeptNum]=a.[sDeptNum] and T.[sTypeNum]=a.[sTypeNum]

where T.iperiod=@iperiod and

([dblTransOutDeprTotal]<>isnull(outdt,0) or [dblTransInDeprTotal]<>isnull(indt,0))

drop table #fq