


每日外刊 | 1220-NFT魔力:NFT市场规模达到220亿美元


NFTs market hits $22bn as craze turns digital images into assets


The global market for non-fungible tokens hit $22bn (£16.5bn) this year as the craze for collections such as Bored Ape Yacht Club and Matrix avatars turned digital images into major investment assets. NFTs have drawn from veteran investors similar warnings to those issued about cryptocurrencies: that they are symptomatic of an unsustainable, digital gold rush. NFTs confer ownership of a unique digital item – whether a piece of virtual art by Damien Hirst or a jacket to be worn in the metaverse – upon someone, even if that item can be easily copied. Ownership is recorded on a digital, decentralised ledger known as a blockchain.

随着Bored Ape Yacht Club和Matrix avatars等收藏的狂热将数字图像变成主要的投资资产,今年全球非同质化代币市场达到220亿美元(165亿英镑)。NFT从资深投资者那里得到了与加密货币类似的警告:它们是不可持续的数字淘金热的象征。NFT将一件独特的数字物品的所有权授予某人(无论是达米安·赫斯特的一件虚拟艺术品,还是在虚拟现实中穿的夹克),即使该物品很容易被复制。所有权被记录在一个被称为区块链的数字分布式账本上。

Data from DappRadar, a firm that tracks sales, showed that trading in NFTs reached $22bn in 2021, compared with just $100m in 2020, and that the floor market cap of the top 100 NFTs ever issued – a measure of their collective value – was $16.7bn.


The most valuable NFT sale this year was The First 5000 Days, a digital collage by Beeple, the name used by the American digital artist Mike Winkelmann, that was auctioned for $69.3m in March, making it one of the most valuable pieces of art ever sold by a living artist. Another Beeple NFT, Human One, sold for $29m. DappRadar said a key factor in the surge in NFT trading was mainstream businesses entering the fray.

今年最有价值的NFT拍卖品是由美国数字艺术家迈克·温克尔曼(艺名“Beeple”)创作的数字拼贴作品《每一天:最初的5000天》,该作品在3月以6930万美元的价格被拍卖,成为在世艺术家所出售的最有价值的艺术品之一。他的另一件作品,Human One,以2900万美元的价格售出。DappRadar表示,NFT交易激增的一个关键因素是主流企业进入了战场。



文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)
作者:Dan Milmo
原文发布时间:16 Dec. 2021


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